12 Jun RYCO supports „Sarajevo – Niš – Tirana Youth Jazz Project“
Nišvile, Syri Blue i Motus adulescenti are inviting young musicians
RYCO supports „Sarajevo – Niš – Tirana Youth Jazz Project“
Nisville Jazz Festival, together with its partners (Syri Blue from Tirana and Motus Adulescenti from Sarajevo) on the project “SaNiTi (Sarajevo – Niš – Tirana) Jazz Project”, invite young musicians (those who already play jazz as well as those who intend to take more active part in this music genre) from these cities – to apply for participation in this project. This project is one of around thirty that received a grant in the first competition of the Regional Youth Coordination Office (RYCO), with more than 400 applicants.
“SaNiTi (Sarajevo – Niš – Tirana) Jazz project” is going to bring together 24 young musicians from these three cities (eight per each – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia). this autumn. The project involves individual work, band rehersals in all three cities – with the support of local musical coordinators as well as gatherings of all participants who will, together with the music coordinators, practice musical works that are going to be performed in all thre cities during important music events such as the Nisville Jazz Festival or the Tirana Jazz Festival.
To participate in the project, instrumentalists and vocal soloists up to 27 years can send applications to the following e-mail addresses:
- nisville@nisville.com for participants from Niš (and Serbia)
- bpetrela@hotmail.com for participants from Tirana (and Albania)
- motus.adulescenti@yahoo.com for participants from Sarajevo (and BiH)
Application forms (in Serbian – Bosnian, Albanian and English) can be downloaded from the following websites:
… and registration will last until June 25th.
Musicians in each of the three towns will practice both their own jazz program as well as compositions they are supposed to perform together, including “Nisville Jubilation”,written by the great jazz musician Dusko Gojkovic, who has dedicated this song to the bearer of this project. Also, the idea is that the joint program is composed of one traditional composition from each country, played in jazz manner, because this is the best way for young people to get to know the tradition of their neighbors through the music.
The first gathering of all participants is planned during the time of the Tirana Jazz Festival – in late July; the second one during Nisville – from August 5 to August 12, and the third at the end of September in Sarajevo.
Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is an international organization, founded by the Western Balkans governments: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, aiming to promote the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation between the youth in the region through youth exchange programs.
The Agreement on Establishment of RYCO was signed by the WB6 Prime Ministers during the Western Balkan Summit held on 4 July 2016 in Paris.
For further information, please visit the RYCO website www.rycowb.org
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
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