SPICH - Nisville Jazz Festival
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Safegurading and Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage (SPICH)

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Priority Axis: Tourism

Specific objective: People-To-People Networking

Project objectives: economic and tourist potentials through the preservation and presentation of cultural and historical heritage

Project activities:

  1. JAZZ workshop – to select max 10 traditional music songs from Serbia and Bulgaria to be adapted for performance by a brass jazz orchestra.
  2. Art of mask workshop – on the making of survakar masks done by masters of masks from the region of Pernik. An exhibition of masks and photographs will be organized during the public events in Niš and Pernik from a representative masquerade group of 30 people
  3. Nisville JAZZ FESTIVAL – Ethno stage where shall be presented traditional composition, adapted and rehearsed during the Jazz Workshop, as part the Festival programmes
  4. Nisville jazz Art of mask exhibition – after the masquerade and performance at the Nisville Jazz Festival stage, during the remaining period of the festival, masks shall be exhibited in the Nisville Jazz Museum in the Nis Fortress
  5. SURVA Art of mask exhibition – of survakar masks and traditional jazz songs concert to be presented during the public events in Pernik.
  6. DVD SPICH – made from audio-video material during events in Nis and Pernik, to be presented on a joint press conference at the end of the project to be organized in Nis

Joint performance in Pernik, Bulgaria

Project co – financed by:

Interreg – IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia Programme
CCI Number 2014TC16I5CB007


Nisville Foundation (NF) is the organizer of the International Nisville Jazz Festival held in Nis (Serbia) since 1981 advocating for the enhancing of intercultural dialogue and diversity in Serbia and the region, involving a diversity of cultures, languages and non-tangible cultural heritages. NF is considered as the greatest jazz music festival in SE Europe.

NF inspires, expands and educates on jazz arts and culture, supporting generations of jazz audiences and artists in Niš, South Serbia and Balkans region. NF understands creative jazz production and performance as a media to build tolerant, peaceful and open societies in Balkans, connecting international jazz and Balkan music art experiences.

NF operates with a 5-member core team that is expended in the festival period to 26 persons and 300 volunteers consisting of youth aged 16-22 years from Serbia and Europe. On top of this another 200 young musicians are selected each year to undergo workshops during the festival period with performers. Workshops have various forms and review different aspects such as singing, conducting, instruments playing, music sheet arranging…

NGO “Local Heritage” is a new Association, founded in 2016, wich works in the field of safeguarding of cultural heritage. The Association includes experts with experience in the researche and safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage. Members of the association involved in the organization of the International Festival of Masquerade Games “Surva” in Pernik.

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